
Information about the service provider (§ 5 TMG):

ContentScope GmbH
Alte Jakobstrasse 76, D-10179 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-9700 4330
Fax: +49-30-9700 4331

VAT ID no. DE 320094600

Executive Director/Accountable
Andreas Wildfang
Internet: and
E-mail: and
Data Protection: and

Youth Protection Officer : Stefan Neumann

E-Mail : and (We ask for your understanding that only queries regarding the protection of minors will be processed. For other inquiries please contact of


ContentScope makes no claims or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the information and content accessible on this website. Use at your own risk. Our site may contain various combinations of text, images, audiovisual productions, opinions, statements, facts, articles, or other information created by third-parties. Such content does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Sooner team; any liability lies with the named authors. We also make it expressly clear that ContentScope assumes no liability or responsibility for the content of third parties in the World Wide Web (so-called "deep links"). In the event that our portal features links to websites and content of third parties, these, according to our knowledge and understanding, contain no criminal or otherwise illegal or prohibited material. We assume no liability or responsibility that content of third party websites is accurate or complete.

Copyright information

The contents and structure of and internet websites are protected by copyright regulations. The reproduction or dissemination of information or data, especially the use of texts, parts of texts, picture material or any other content on the websites requires the express consent of the provider or copyright usage right holder.